
▲サウロⅢ [AlCrystas]
全属性の物理+3% 全魔法威力+3% ディレイ-0.5秒 オートスキル発動+3% ATK・MATK+30 無耐性+5%
Melee to Neutral +3% Melee to Fire +3% Melee to Water +3% Melee to Wind +3% Melee to Earth +3% Melee to Light +3% Melee to Dark +3% Neutral Magic +3% Fire Magic +3% Water Magic +3% Wind Magic +3% Earth Magic +3% Light Magic +3% Dark Magic +3% Skill Delay -0.5s Item Delay -0.5s Autoskill +3% ATK +30 MATK +30 Neutral R +5%

Sauro 450 (Lv450)
Drop: サウロの宝箱Ⅴ, サウロの宝箱Ⅴ, サウロの宝箱Ⅴ, ▲サウロⅢ
Sauro Raid [1] - See Map


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