purple sword angers TH

purple sword angers TH [Swords]
ATK: 340
Ice&Gaia&Light element, Critical damage+21%, VIT+15, MaxHP+20% Skill delay-1 sec, Melee R-5% Melee pierce+5%, Ailment R+20%
Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Dark +20% Critical damage +21% VIT +15 MaxHP +20% Skill Delay -1.0s Melee R -5% Melee Pierce +5% Ailment R +20%

purple sword angers TH [Swords]
1: 紫水剣アンヘル x1
2: ผลึกสีม่วง x3
3: อเมธิสต์ x25
4: ขนนกเปล่งแสง x60


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