The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess

The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess [Claws]
ATK: 299 DEF: 5
万能属性 VIT・INT+8 魔法耐性+10% 物理耐性-10% 物理威力がCRTで増加
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% VIT +8 INT +8 Magic R +10% Melee R -10% [Melee up by CRT]

Cordal (Lv398)
Drop: Light of Paitsuaito, 古き光の欠片, O'Apelago, The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess
Attr: Light
Weak: Dark
Eero Islands [Summit] - See Map

The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess x1 [Claws]
Alchemy Lv203
1: The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess x1

The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess x1 [Claws]
Alchemy Lv203
1: The Hyperlight of the Double Goddess x1


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