Valverna IV TH

Valverna IV TH [Swords] 📷
ATK: 293 DEF: 2
万能属性 ASPD-10% MaxHP+4000 気絶発生+0.5% 物理貫通+10%
Melee to Fire +15% Melee to Water +15% Melee to Wind +15% Melee to Earth +15% Melee to Light +15% Melee to Dark +15% ASPD -10% MaxHP +4000 Knock out +1% Melee Pierce +10%

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Valverna IV TH [Swords]
1: บาร์เบอร์นาⅢ x1
2: 深秘の源 x15
3: ใบมีดทองคำขาว x1
4: 万能部品 x5
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